Our final bill, SB 988, the No Patient Left Behind bill, passed in the house by a 115-2 vote which allows visitation by essential caregivers in hospitals and long-term care facilities, following the same safety protocols as staff. Governor DeSantis signed the No Patient Left Alone Bill into law on April 6, 2022, our 26th wedding anniversary. The bill became law July 1, 2022.
Details of the bill can be found here
Our advocacy efforts continue. Caregivers for Compromise groups all over the United States are meeting with legislative aides every week to gain cosponsors for HR 3733, we are meeting with Senators to work on a Senate companion bill and we are continuing to speak to the media to tell our stories.
In Florida we will be introducing an Essential Caregiver constitutional amendment in the next session to be certain future administrations do not change the bill we worked so hard for. Our Texas group got an amendment passed last year and we will follow suit in Florida.
For more information on our ongoing advocacy go to www.facebook.com/groups/CaregiversForCompromise and www.caregivers4compromise.com